Installations and Interactive

Organic projects that live and breathe.

Augmented Reality

The Rubrics Murder

Trinity College / Dublin, Ireland

In 1734, Edward Ford, the junior dean of Trinity College, was murdered in his room. It is a tale full of shootouts, politics, blood feuds, and fools of fools. To this day, Ford’s ghost is said to haunt the rooms of the old Dublin dormitories. Experience the story as it happened while traversing Trinity’s historic campus.

The Freedom Trail

(coming soon…)

Samuel Adams. John Adams. John Hancock. The Boston Massacre. The Boston Tea Party. The Battle of Lexington and Concord. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Massachusetts was the site of many major events and figures in the American Revolution. Many of these stories are told and retold on the Freedom Trail. Revisit these historic events firsthand, as you walk the freedom trail with a soldier of the revolution.

Interactive Installations

Living Air

(coming soon…)

The world is full of sensory stimulants. Everything is looking to steal your attention, especially in the city. We cannot control the weather, the seasons, or the passage of time. But we can adapt. Living air adapts to the world around it and blends it’s sounds with the environment. As you turn your attention internally, you can find a moment without the outside world. In this realm, and in this moment, however brief, you can find peace.


(coming soon…)

Each door is a new beginning. You cannot be sure what is through each one. Some are simple, some are complicated. Some are serene while others are harsh and intense. Each doorway, however, also comprises who we are. Journey through each gateway, keeping the sounds that resonate with you while leaving behind those parts that don’t, until you’ve created the soundscape that is uniquely you.

The Kennedy Greenway Project

(currently under development)

A strip of life in the middle of Boston, where the feint echoes of the city streets are left behind. The Rose Kennedy Greenway is enhanced by its color and vibrancy, as peoples of all backgrounds and creeds come together to enjoy the public space. Intersecting several of Boston’s most diverse districts, there is no better way to experience the space than to lose yourself in a soundscape that honors and celebrates the city’s rich cultural history.